Train your body.

Strengthen your mind.

Train with “One of the most sought-after leaders and Aikido teachers in the world today.

Robert Mustard Shihan

“Teacher of Teachers”

8th Dan, Chief Instructor/Sensei

His martial arts career spans over 40 years; 10 of which were spent at the Yoshinkan Aikido headquarters in Japan, where he trained as a student of Gozo Shioda Kancho, founder of Yoshinkan Aikido.

  • What is "Osu"?

    “Osu” is a word heard frequently in the dojo; “What does ‘Osu’ mean?” is the most frequently asked question. “Osu” is a shortened form of “Ohayo gozaimasu” (good morning) but it has a much deeper meaning. An excellent explanation is given in the following article written by Robert Mustard Sensei…

  • Aikido Language Guide

    Aikido Language Guide

    The Aikido Language Guide is an essential resource for practitioners at all levels, offering a comprehensive glossary of terms and phrases used in Aikido training. Understanding the language of Aikido not only enhances your practice but also…

  • Dojo Etiquette

    Dojo Etiquette

    When you come to the dojo, please leave your problems at the door. Try to come with a free and clear mind. Aikido training is a time to concentrate on something different to your regular life…

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