Dojo Etiquette

When you come to the dojo, please leave your problems at the door.  Try to come with a free and clear mind.  Aikido training is a time to concentrate on something different to your regular life. 

Arriving at the Dojo

  • Please try to arrive at least 15-30 minutes before class to allow time to change, warm up, and stretch.

  • Upon entering by the front door, please bow to the shomen (front).

  • Remove your shoes, hat and sunglasses.

  • Greet Sensei with a bow and a strong “Osu”.

  • When entering from the back door, remove your shoes/hat/sunglasses in the hallway area.  When stepping onto the mats, please bow to the shomen, and then bow again to the shomen as you leave the mats at the changing rooms.

  • As above, bow to Sensei and say “Osu”.

During Class

  • Give your complete attention and focus during class.

  • Always follow Sensei’s directions and move quickly to your position when instructed.

  • Never walk between partners facing each other.

  • Whenever the instructor is demonstrating a technique, students should sit in seiza.

  • Students should “Osu!” whenever Sensei explains a point or corrects their mistakes.

  • Class is for training; talking should be kept to a bare minimum.  You may ask questions to Sensei only. 

On the Mats

  • When first stepping onto the mats, sit in seiza then bow to the shomen.

  • Do not lie down (except during stretching), lounge around or sleep on the tatami.

  • Although we do a 10-minute warm up at the beginning of class, we encourage you to stretch and warm up on your own prior to class.

  • Five minutes before class, the senior student will call “Seiretsu” or “Line up”!  Everyone then quickly lines up (according to rank) facing shomen, heels together, arms at your side, standing up straight, with toes on the line.  The most senior students line up on the right side of the line. 

  • The most senior student (on the far right of the line) calls “Seiza” in a loud voice and all students sit down in seiza in unison.

  • This quiet time in seiza before class allows the student to clear his/her mind in preparation for keiko (training).  Please refrain from talking, moving around, slouching, fidgeting, etc. 

  • When Sensei comes onto the tatami and sits in seiza facing the shomen, the senior student then calls, “Shomen ni rei!” (Bow to the front!) In a loud, clear voice.  Everyone bows in unison.

  • When Sensei turns to face the students, the senior student then calls, “Sensei ni rei!” (Bow to the teacher) and everyone bows in unison.

  • Sensei then says “osu!” to greet the students; the students then reply in unison with “Osu!”

  • Sensei will then select a student to lead the warm-up.  All students then bow, say “Osu”, then stand up and quickly find a spot.

  • At the end of the warm-up, the person leading the warm-up will call, “Fix your dogi”, then “Ki o tsuke” (Attention!), all students stand at attention while the student then bows to Sensei and says, “Osu, taiso owarimasu!” (Exercise/warm-up is finished) 

Other Points

  • Please try to be on time for class – but if you are late:  After you step on the mats, sit in seiza and bow to the shomen; please remain there in seiza until Sensei invites you to join the class.

  • If you need to leave class early, please inform Sensei before class; bow to your training partner and Sensei before leaving.

  • For your safety/comfort as well as that of your partners, please remove all jewellery, watches, rings, bracelets, earrings, etc.

  • Drink plenty of water before class to avoid dehydration; this is especially important during the summer months.

  • No swearing or lewd behaviour will be tolerated at the dojo.

  • Food/drink is not permitted on the training mats.  Consumption of food/drink is permitted in the changing rooms and front entrance area.

  • Smoking and alcohol consumption are strictly prohibited at the dojo.

  • Anyone who comes to the dojo showing signs of intoxication will not be permitted to train and may be asked to leave the premises.


In consideration of others, please maintain good personal hygiene when coming to train. We aim to provide a safe and clean environment for training. To ensure this goal, we ask that students please take note of the following:

  • Wash your dogi regularly.  The more you train the more frequently it will need washing, especially in the summer months.  Be considerate of your training partners and keep your dogi clean.

  • To avoid scratching others and/or injuring yourself, fingernails and toenails should be kept trim and clean.

  • Ensure that cuts/scrapes/open wounds are properly bandaged.

  • If at any time during a class you start to bleed, inform the instructor and request permission to leave the mats to bandage the cut; clean any blood off the mats.

C Dang.

A life enthusiast who loves art+design, food, travel and philosophy.

The Origins of Yoshinkan Aikido


Aikido Language Guide