Testing Syllabi for Kyu and Shodan

Here, you'll find comprehensive information on the requirements and preparations for both Kyu and Shodan testing in Aikido. Whether you are a beginner advancing through the kyu ranks or an advanced student aiming for your first black belt, this page provides all the necessary details to help you succeed in your Aikido journey.

Aikido is a martial art that emphasizes harmony, fluid movement, and the redirection of force. Progression through the ranks in Aikido involves rigorous training, dedication, and a thorough understanding of techniques and principles. The testing process ensures that students are well-prepared at each stage of their development.

Kyu Testing represents the various stages of proficiency before reaching the black belt ranks. Each kyu level has specific requirements, focusing on foundational techniques, movements, and understanding Aikido principles.

Shodan Testing marks the transition from kyu ranks to first-degree black belt. Achieving Shodan demonstrates a deep and comprehensive mastery of Aikido techniques, philosophy, and application.

This page outlines the detailed syllabi for Kyu and Shodan testing, including the techniques, movements, and knowledge you need to prepare and succeed.

Kyu Testing Syllabus

What is Kyu Testing?

Kyu ranks in Aikido represent the various stages of a student's progress before reaching dan (black belt) levels. Each kyu rank has specific requirements that must be met to advance to the next level. Testing for these ranks ensures that students have acquired the necessary skills and understanding of Aikido principles.

Preparing for Kyu Testing

  • Consistent Practice: Regular attendance and active participation in classes are crucial for mastering the techniques and principles required for testing.

  • Study the Syllabus: Familiarize yourself with the requirements for your current and next kyu level. Make sure you understand the techniques, forms, and terminology.

  • Seek Feedback: Work closely with instructors and senior students to refine your techniques. Ask for feedback and guidance to ensure you're on the right track.

  • Physical Conditioning: Maintain a good level of physical fitness to perform techniques effectively and safely.

    1. Migi hanmi kamae

    2. Hidari hanmi kamae

    3. Seiza ho

    4. Shikko ho

    5. Tai no henko (1)

    6. Tai no henko (2)

    7. Hiriki no yosei (1)

    8. Hiriki no yosei (2)

    9. Shumatsu dosa (1)

    10. Shumatsu dosa (2)

    Kihon Dosa (basic movements) are done WITHOUT partner and on one side only

    1. Migi hanmi kamae

    2. Hidari hanmi kamae

    3. Seiza ho

    4. Shikko ho

    5. Tai no henko (1)

    6. Tai no henko (2)

    7. Hiriki no yosei (1)

    8. Hiriki no yosei (2)

    9. Shumatsu dosa (1)

    10. Shumatsu dosa (2)

    11. Katate mochi shiho nage (1)

    12. Shomen uchi ikkajo osae (2)

    13. Katate mochi nikajo osae (2)

    14. Ryote mochi tenchi nage (1)

    Kihon Dosa (basic movements) are done WITHOUT partner.
    All Waza (techniques) are done right and left sides.

    1. Migi hanmi kamae

    2. Hidari hanmi kamae

    3. Tai no henko (1)

    4. Tai no henko (2)

    5. Hiriki no yosei (1)

    6. Hiriki no yosei (2)

    7. Shumatsu dosa (1)

    8. Shumatsu dosa (2)

    9. Shomen uchi ikkajo osae (2)

    10. Katate mochi nikkajo osae (2)

    11. Shomen uchi sankajo osae (1)

    12. Shomen uchi yonkajo osae (1)

    13. Katate mochi sokumen irimi nage (1)

    14. Yokomen uchi shomen irimi nage (2)

    15. Kata mochi hijishime (1)

    16. Shomen uchi kotegaeshi (2)

    Kihon Dosa (basic movements) are done WITHOUT partner.
    All Waza (techniques) are done right and left sides.

    1. Migi hanmi kamae

    2. Hidari hanmi kamae

    3. Tai no henko (1)

    4. Tai no henko (2)

    5. Hiriki no yosei (1)

    6. Hiriki no yosei (2)

    7. Shumatsu dosa (1)

    8. Shumatsu dosa (2)

    9. Suwari waza shomen uchi ikkajo osae (1)

    10. Shomen uchi yonkajo osae (1)

    11. Mune mochi hijishime (2)

    12. Katate mochi sokumen irimi nage (1)

    13. Shomen uchi kotegaeshi (2)

    14. Suwari waza ryote mochi tenchi nage (1)

    15. Shite waza

    16. Shite waza

    Kihon Dosa (basic movements) are done WITHOUT partner.
    All Waza (techniques) are done right and left sides.


    • Katate mochi shiho nage (1)

    • Shomen uchi ikkajo osae (2)

    • Katate mochi nikkajo osae (2)

    • Shomen uchi sankajo osae (1)

    • Ryote mochi tenchi nage (1)

    • Yokomen uchi shomen irimi nage (2)

    • Kata mochi hijishime (1)

    1. Migi hanmi kamae

    2. Hidari hanmi kamae

    3. Tai no henko (1)

    4. Tai no henko (2)

    5. Hiriki no yosei (1)

    6. Hiriki no yosei (2)

    7. Yokomen uchi ikkajo osae (2)

    8. Suwari waza shomen uchi shomen irimi nage (1)

    9. Kata mochi sokumen irimi nage (1)

    10. Suwari waza ryote mochi kokyu ho (1)

    11. Shite waza

    12. Shite waza

    13. Shumatsu dosa (1)

    14. Shumatsu dosa (2)

    Kihon Dosa (basic movements) are done WITH partner.
    All Waza (techniques) are done right and left sides.

    Katate mochi shiho nage (1) (2)
    Ryote mochi shiho nage (1) (2)
    Yokomen uchi shiho nage (1) (2)
    〤  Shomen uchi ikkajo osae (1) (2)
    〤  Yokomen uchi ikkajo osae (1) (2)
    〤  Kata mochi ikkajo osae (1) (2)
    Ushiro ryote mochi ikkajo osae (1) (2)
    〤  Katate mochi nikkajo osae (1) (2)
    〤  Kata mochi nikkajo osae (2)
    〤  Shomen uchi nikkajo osae (1) (2)
    〤  Shomen uchi sankajo osae (1) (2)
    〤  Yokomen uchi sankajo osae (1) (2)
    Ushiro ryote mochi sankajo (1) (2)
    〤  Shomen uchi yonkajo osae (1) (2)
    Yokomen uchi yonkajo osae (1) (2)
    〤  Katate mochi sokumen irimi nage (1)
    〤  Kata mochi sokumen irimi nage (1) (2)
    〤  Shomen uchi shomen irimi nage (1) (2)
    〤  Yokomen uchi shomen irimi nage (1) (2)
    〤  Shomen uchi hijishime (1) (2)
    〤  Yokomen uchi hijishime (1) (2)
    〤  Kata mochi hijishime (1) (2)
    〤  Mune mochi hijishime (2)
    〤  Shomen uchi kotegaeshi (1) (2)
    〤  Yokomen uchi kotegaeshi (1) (2)
    〤  Ryote mochi tenchi nage (1)
    Suwari waza ryote mochi kokyu ho (1) (2)


    1. Migi hanmi kamae

    2. Hidari hanmi kamae

    3. Tai no henko (1)

    4. Tai no henko (2)

    5. Hiriki no yosei (1)

    6. Hiriki no yosei (2)

    7. Yokomen uchi shiho nage (1)

    8. Ushiro ryote mochi ikkajo osae (2)

    9. Kata mochi hijishime (1)

    10. Suwari waza katate mochi sokumen irimi nage (1)

    11. Shomen uchi kotegaeshi (2)

    12. Shite waza

    13. Shite waza

    14. Shumatsu dosa (1)

    15. Shumatsu dosa (2)

    16. Shite jiyu waza

    Karate Mochi

    Kihon dosa (basic movements) are done WITH partner.
    All Waza (techniques) are done right and left sides

    Katate mochi shiho nage (1) (2)
    Ryote mochi shiho nage (1) (2)
    Yokomen uchi shiho nage (1) (2)
      Shomen uchi ikkajo osae (1) (2)
      Yokomen uchi ikkajo osae (1) (2)
      Kata mochi ikkajo osae (1) (2)
    Ushiro ryote mochi ikkajo osae (1) (2)
      Katate mochi nikkajo osae (1) (2)
      Kata mochi nikkajo osae (2)
      Shomen uchi nikkajo osae (1) (2)
      Shomen uchi sankajo osae (1) (2)
      Yokomen uchi sankajo osae (1) (2)
    Ushiro ryote mochi sankajo (1) (2)
      Shomen uchi yonkajo osae (1) (2)
    Yokomen uchi yonkajo osae (1) (2)
      Katate mochi sokumen irimi nage (1)
    Kata mochi sokumen irimi nage (1) (2)
      Shomen uchi shomen irimi nage (1) (2)
      Yokomen uchi shomen irimi nage (1) (2)
      Shomen uchi hijishime (1) (2)
      Yokomen uchi hijishime (1) (2)
      Kata mochi hijishime (1) (2)
    Mune mochi hijishime (2)
    Shomen uchi kotegaeshi (1) (2)
      Yokomen uchi kotegaeshi (1) (2)
      Ryote mochi tenchi nage (1)
    Suwari waza ryote mochi kokyu ho (1) (2)


    1. Migi hanmi kamae

    2. Hidari hanmi kamae

    3. Tai no henko (1)

    4. Tai no henko (2)

    5. Hiriki no yosei (1)

    6. Hiriki no yosei (2)

    7. Suwari waza kata mochi ikkajo osae (2)

    8. Yokomen uchi yonkajo osae (1)

    9. Katate mochi kotegaeshi (2)

    10. Suwari waza shomen uchi shomen irimi nage (1)

    11. Ryote mochi tenchi nage (1)

    12. Shite waza

    13. Shite waza

    14. Shite waza

    15. Shumatsu dosa (1)

    16. Shumatsu dosa (2)

    17. Shite jiyu waza

    Karate Mochi
    Shomen uchi

    Kihon dosa (basic movements) are done WITH partner. All Waza (techniques) are done right and left sides

    Katate mochi shiho nage (1) (2)
    Ryote mochi shiho nage (1) (2)
    Yokomen uchi shiho nage (1) (2)
      Shomen uchi ikkajo osae (1) (2)
      Yokomen uchi ikkajo osae (1) (2)
      Kata mochi ikkajo osae (1) (2)
    Ushiro ryote mochi ikkajo osae (1) (2)
      Katate mochi nikkajo osae (1) (2)
      Kata mochi nikkajo osae (2)
      Shomen uchi nikkajo osae (1) (2)
      Shomen uchi sankajo osae (1) (2)
      Yokomen uchi sankajo osae (1) (2)
    Ushiro ryote mochi sankajo (1) (2)
      Shomen uchi yonkajo osae (1) (2)
    Yokomen uchi yonkajo osae (1) (2)
      Katate mochi sokumen irimi nage (1)
      Kata mochi sokumen irimi nage (1) (2)
      Shomen uchi shomen irimi nage (1) (2)
      Yokomen uchi shomen irimi nage (1) (2)
      Shomen uchi hijishime (1) (2)
      Yokomen uchi hijishime (1) (2)
      Kata mochi hijishime (1) (2)
      Mune mochi hijishime (2)
      Shomen uchi kotegaeshi (1) (2)
      Yokomen uchi kotegaeshi (1) (2)
      Ryote mochi tenchi nage (1)
    Suwari waza ryote mochi kokyu ho (1) (2)


Kyu Testing Requirements

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Shodan Testing Syllabus

What is Shodan Testing?

Shodan, meaning "beginning degree," is the first level of black belt in Aikido. This rank signifies a deep understanding of Aikido principles, techniques, and philosophy. Testing for Shodan involves demonstrating advanced techniques, showing the ability to apply Aikido principles in various situations, and possessing a thorough knowledge of Aikido terminology and history.

Preparing for Shodan Testing

  • Intensive Practice: Regular and focused training is essential. Attend as many classes as possible and seek additional practice sessions.

  • Advanced Techniques: Master the advanced techniques and movements outlined in the syllabus. Ensure you can perform them with precision and control.

  • Physical and Mental Conditioning: Maintain a high level of physical fitness and mental discipline to perform techniques effectively and handle the rigors of the test.

  • Study the Philosophy: Understand the deeper philosophical aspects of Aikido, including its history, principles, and the teachings of its founder, Morihei Ueshiba.

  • Seek Feedback: Regularly consult with your instructors and senior practitioners to refine your techniques and approach..

Shodan Testing Requirements

The Shodan syllabus includes a comprehensive list of techniques and movements that must be demonstrated with proficiency. Below are the core elements of the Shodan testing syllabus:

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    1. Migi hanmi kamae

    2. Hidari hanmi kamae

    3. Hiriki no yosei (1)

    4. Hiriki no yosei (2)

    5. Kata mochi nikajo osae (2)

    6. Ushiro ryote mochi sankajo osae (1)

    7. Suwari waza katate mochi sokumen irimi nage (1)

    8. Katate mochi hijiate kokyu nage (2)

    9. Suwari waza ryote mochi tenchi nage (1)

    10. Shomen tsuki kotegaeshi (2)

    11. Shite waza

    12. Shite waza

    13. Shumatsu dosa (1)

    14. Shumatsu dosa (2)

    15. Shite jiyu waza

    16. Shite jiyu waza

    Shomen She
    Yokomen uchi
    Karate Mochi
    Shomen uchi

    Kihon dosa (basic movements) are done WITH partner. All Waza (techniques) are done right and left sides

    Katate mochi shiho nage (1) (2)
    Ryote mochi shiho nage (1) (2)
    Yokomen uchi shiho nage (1) (2)
    Hanmi handachi katate mochi shiho nage (1) (2)
    Hanmi handachi ryote mochi shiho nage
      Shomen uchi ikkajo osae (1) (2)
      Yokomen uchi ikkajo osae (1) (2)
    Katate mochi ikkajo osae (1) (2)
      Kata mochi ikkajo osae (1) (2)
    Ushiro ryote mochi ikkajo osae (1) (2)
    Ushiro katate eri mochi ikkajo osae (1)
      Katate mochi nikkajo osae (1) (2)
      Kata mochi nikkajo osae (1) (2)
      Shomen uchi nikkajo osae (1) (2)
      Yokomen uchi nikajo osae (1) (2)
      Shomen uchi sankajo osae (1) (2)
      Yokomen uchi sankajo osae (1) (2)
      Kata mochi sankajo osae (1) (2)
    Ushiro ryote mochi sankajo osae (1) (2)
    Ushiro katate eri mochi sankajo osae (1) (2)

      Shomen uchi yonkajo osae (1) (2)
      Yokomen uchi yonkajo osae (1) (2)
      Katate mochi yonkajo osae (1) (2)
      Katate mochi sokumen irimi nage (1)
      Kata mochi sokumen irimi nage (1) (2)
      Shomen uchi shomen irimi nage (1) (2)
      Yokomen uchi shomen irimi nage (1) (2)
      Shomen uchi hijishime (1) (2)
      Yokomen uchi hijishime (1) (2)
      Mune mochi hijishime (2)
      Kata mochi hijishime (1) (2)
      Katate mochi hijiate kokyu nage (1) (2)
      Shomen uchi hijiate kokyu nage (1) (2)
      Shomen uchi kotegaeshi (1) (2)
      Yokomen uchi kotegaeshi (1) (2)
      Shomen tsuki kotegaeshi (1) (2)
      Ryote mochi tenchi nage (1)
    Suwari waza ryote mochi kokyuho (1)(2)(3)


Tips for Success

  • Consistency: Maintain a regular training schedule and stay dedicated to your practice.

  • Openness to Learning: Embrace feedback and continuously seek to improve your techniques and understanding.

  • Positive Attitude: Approach the test with confidence and calmness.

  • Supportive Community: Train with your peers and support each other through the preparation process.